Drivers KDS

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DrivingDrivers KDS

The Annapolis Valley Regional Centre of Education’s mission is to create a supportive, student-centred environment where each student succeeds and all education partners are respected and valued. Our vision is Working Together for Students. We are guided by the principles of Students First, Focus on Learning, Positive Environment, Respect for Diversity, and Collaboration, Partnership and Cooperation.


AVCRE was formed in 1996 and serves approximately 12,900 students (as of September 30, 2015) at 41 schools and two adult high schools. Myria driver. Our student population is drawn from six towns, three municipal regions and three Mi’kmaq communities.


Efficiently communicate with customers and keep drive-thru lines moving.

Kdss Drivers Ed

121 Orchard Street
PO Box 340
Berwick, NS B0P 1E0

Nascar Drivers Kids

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